This blog is mostly going to be my little place to talk about the novel I am writing. Which is why I stole a quote from one of my favorite tv shows, as this novel I am writing, I plan to finish, and at times.. it feels like an impossible thing. Also this is to journal my move to the UK, and starting my own business as an Indie Yarn Dyer

The Princess Bride

The love of Terminator. And cuddly werewolves.

Alright. So, yesterday I was cranky. So very cranky that I couldn’t wait to get out of work. I think what started the crankiness (Other than dealing with crappy internet services in the UK.. don’t ask) was when the person who is my backup strolls in (late mind you) and immediately tells me how to do my job. I’m sorry, I was on break, I hadn’t even logged back into my computer before he asked me to work a certain case. Which by the freaking way, I would have seen as soon as I logged in. But it was the fact that he told me to take care of it, just urked me. And he has done this with others, I frankly wanted to tell him to frak off and do his own job. (Which by the way, there was no reason he couldn’t have taken care of the ticket himself. It took a total of 30 seconds to type 2 sentences and send it back to where it came from.)
That was about 9 am, and it put me into a foul mood till I got out of work at 12:30, which was 30 minutes later than my normal Fridays thanks to Monday having been a holiday.
I decided that it was going to be a day where if I stayed in the house, it would be a bad thing. Grabbed Mother of Mine and headed over to the mall to see a movie. Now, we normally do not go to the mall for movies, but I technically had errands on that side of town. (mostly, gas had been cheaper over there for the last few weeks. Of course because I was finally going to that station, it was now the same price as everwhere else.)
Mother of Mine and I puttered around the mall, and got ourselves some pretzels. Dealt with noisy kids, and a pain in my neck from walking around the mall. I was reminded why I don’t like to go to that theater. (Granted, I hadn’t been to that particular theater in quite possibly.. 10 years, but it hasn’t changed)

Then we saw it.
Yes, we saw Terminator Salvation.

Now, those who don’t know me, won’t know my feelings when it comes to all that is The Terminator.
I love the movies. I grew up watching them. I personally feel that the first one is a romance chick flick. Yes, yes I did just say that.
Why do I think this?
Mostly, I can give you 1 reason.
Kyle Reese.
“I came across time for you Sarah.”
Makes me melt every time.

Hmmm between Jareth from The Labyrinth, Kyle Reese from Terminator, James Bond, and James Fraser (Outlander books) it might explain why I have such a high standard for men lol.

Being a youngin’ that I was, I remember actively making the decision to watch T1 and T2 on the special Judgment day. Which, for those who don’t know, was August 1997.
Skynet came online August 4th, and Judgment day was actually August 29th.

I dislike the 3rd Terminator movie, because.. well it just didn’t feel right.
I have grouped it into the batch of movies I pretend don’t exist. Though, this one I will actually own, as I will have to have all the T movies.. most likely on Blue Ray someday. (Yes, technically my copies of T1 and T2 are still on VHS, and I’m not going to upgrade till after the move. – Hunny.. hint hint but wait till all 4 come out in whatever spiffy boxed set they’re going to do.. as you know they will. )

Now, moving on to Salvation.
Once again, I love Kyle Reese. This time he was not played by Michael Biehn, but instead is played by Anton Yelchin. (You’ll know him from many things, but most notably the new Star Trek Enterprise movie) Who I have recently gotten an extreme crush on. He is so adorable.
Marcus, played by Sam Worthington is a hot Aussie, and I kept catching his accent, when I’m sure not too many other people would. But yeah.. He’s hot. He did a good job in the role he had. I won’t go into details as that will spoil things.
Christian Bale played John Connor all grown up. Though he was limited by the existing lore of the character, and the actors who have played him previously.. I think he did an excellent job.

One thing that annoyed me in the movie, was the tapes that Sarah Connor made for John. I was sitting there in the theater thinking “how could they get someone else to do the tapes? Why didn’t they just use the recording of the original tapes from the first movie?? They got the freaking photo of her, why couldn’t they get the tapes?”
Well, my annoyance was that it didn’t sound like Linda Hamilton.
To my chagrin, it was Linda doing the tapes. She went uncredited in the part, but yes, it was in fact her. In my defense, it really sounds nothing like her. And Mother of Mine also did not think it was her. Linda has a very distinct voice to me, as I grew up listening to her in Terminator, Beauty and the Beast, and everything else she’s done. I always know it’s her. So I was completely shocked when her voice sounded so different.
Mayhaps I’ll just mentally chock it up to the tapes having been distorted in the 30 years since they had been made and thats why it didn’t sound like her. – That might be plausible enough lol.

There were many little homages in the movie that made me squee in geekdom. (For those who haven’t seen it… keep an eye out for a scene later in the movie involving John, a metal walk way, and a Terminator… it is very.. reminiscent of a very good scene from T2)
Arnie was in the movie, not as an actor, but just his likeness. And I think they did an AMAZING job.

On a different note, there was a scene that amused me. I couldn’t help but think of a scene from The Princess Bride, and the entire time I watched this scene I had Vizzini’s voice in my head saying “Those are the shrieking eels”. Again, for those who have not seen it, you’ll know which scene I’m talking about.

The movie made me jump many times. Which is slightly hard for a movie to do to me anymore, so this was quite fun.

All in all, GO SEE IT. It is very worth seeing on the big screen. I laughed, I cried, I jumped out of my seat.

Now moving along.

Yesterday I also received my 2nd package from the Vampire Club.
Whoohoo more Lucien yarn.

This month also included a cute little stitch marker.
I love the pattern by Gherkin, that is called Fangtasm. Unfortunately, it is 1) a sock, and 2) a toe up sock. Which until I get over my aversion to socks, this one is going to not get touched. And also I do not yet know how to do toe up socks- which is not nearly as simple as doing a regular sock. I did wish to learn how to do a toe up sock, but then my aversion happened.

Here are photos, and I apologize for the lack of photos previously (I can’t recall if I had posted them or not) as I didn’t get good photos last time.
Today, the light outside was gorgeous.

And now for an action shot with my lovely new swift. Ignore the chaos behind it, we are rearranging the house-mostly the front room, so it’s a mess.

I absolutely LOVE the swift. It took me 10 minutes to cake up a skein of yarn with it instead of the hour it had taken previously, and that was if I was lucky enough to not have it tangle into a horrible mess like Lucien did previously. (Seriously 8 hours minimum spent untangling it)

Oh, and on a completely random note… I just watched a cute movie. “The Student Prince” It was enjoyable. It had Rupert Penry-Jones (Known from Spooks, and Casanova) when he was verra young.

Okay, I guess I’m done rambling.

Bugs and Hisses.

Ramblings of the insane, and a few reviews.

Last night Mother of Mine and I watched Australia.

I must admit, that when I originally saw the trailers for it… I thought “hmmm looks like something I want to see.. but it looks like something I’d need to be in the mood for”

Which is why it hadn’t been watched until now.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a HUGE fan of Baz Luhrman. I do in fact own the Red Curtain Collection, and Strictly Ballroom has been one of my all time favorite movies.
I’m also a huge fan of Hugh Jackman. I mean, heck… I once recorded a PBS showing of Oklahoma! because he was in it. (I managed to somehow not watch it before I accidentally recorded over it, but you still get the point.)

Now, one of the reasons I was meh about watching it, was because I just have to be in a mood to watch one of her movies. I’m not saying she’s a bad actress… I’m just saying I tend to have to be in a mood.

But Australia finally came in last night at the library.

Now, the first thing I will say… is if the trailers had actually shown what most of the movie was about… I would have watched it a LONG time ago.

The trailers made it seem that the movie was ONLY about War coming to Australia.
And also, that it was because of the war that Lady Ashely (Nicole Kidman’s character) goes to Australia for.

Without giving away the movie.. I’ll say, that only about the last half to last quarter of the movie has anything to actually do with the war.

Ironically, I’m glad that I’ve watched McLeod’s Daughters a bit prior to watching Australia, because if I hadn’t… I think all the Droving, would have just made me think of City Slickers (you know… Billy Crystal). Which, though there were a few times I snorted thinking about that movie… I was glad my mind was flicking more back and forth between what was on the screen and the droving of McLeod’s Daughters. (Mostly, I was just thinking about the “Station House” and how something can in fact have been around for over 100 years, and doing the exact same thing as it was built for originally.)

The movie, very much had Baz’s signature flair. OR at least, the very beginning did. There was no doubt in my mind watching the first 30 minutes of the movie that this was in fact a Baz Luhrman film.

The music was very gorgeous, and of course I ended up going to bed having “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” in my head. Which, if you see the movie, you’ll understand.

The cinematography was absolutely without a doubt breath takingly gorgeous. And they did such a great job with the Green Screen, that you can only tell it was employed in very few scenes. I don’t know how many it was actually used in, but there are some where you could tell. Which, there were obvious reasons for it.

Wicked’s vote: I’ll own this someday. (And thats saying something!)

Moving along…
I quickly read over the weekend, the latest book by Joanne Fluke.
Cream Puff Murder.

I have to admit, though this book was slightly annoying in the aspect that it was mostly centered around Hannah’s waistline and the need to loose a few pounds.
The person who died in this one… I, like others am very glad to see dead.
Mike, one of Hannah’s two boyfriends… I have decided I do not like. Originally, I used to be more Team Mike rather than Team Norman. I mean.. who wouldn’t want the hot police detective as opposed to the slightly normal looking dentist. Dentists have the highest rate of suicidal tendencies per year. Perhaps I’m the only who thinks about that in the grand scheme of things when it comes to choosing a partner.
Yes, Mike has more danger when it comes to his profession, but is less likely to kill himself when it comes down to it.

Right now, I’m definitely more in the Team Norman camp. I’d kill for his house. lol.

Almost through with Sandman Volume 3 by Neil Gaiman.
Started reading Summer Knight again by Jim Butcher. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish it this time before it’s due back at the library or one of my other “gotta read this now because there is a waiting list a mile long” books comes in.
That means Sookie has been put down for the moment.

Oh, on completely random news. I got something really cool, and I don’t recall if I had talked about it yet or not.

Leslie over at Dv’yne Writes, has a contest every month for those who subscribe to her news letter. As I have known Leslie for years thanks to the Colorado Ren Faire… and I’ve owned at least one of her notebooks, and have lusted over many more of them.. I of course would be a subscriber to her latest news. I mean, I never would have known about her awesome leather covers for say.. Harry Potter, or the other books she has.. I mean amazing work.
Well, I happened to win this months free journal give away.
It arrived quickly, as well.. she lives only about 70 miles away from me. Ironically, the journal via the post office, would have traveled more than that, because though she lives in Littleton, I’m willing to bet it had to go to Denver (north), then back south to me.
I opened up the box, and was BLOWN away. I mean absolutely blown away by what I found.
I was expecting one of the little soft sided refillable notebooks.. (like the one I have) I mean, it’s one of the less expensive books she sells (which is why I have it. I mean I bought mine at least 10 years ago, and I could never afford any of the more expensive ones), and one generally figures that for a free give away, it would not be an expensive one.

Well, the journal I got was a 60$ slightly hardsided non refillable journal.

Sad news is that Leslie will not be at CRF anymore. She officially sold her booth, and is moving on to other things. I wish her luck though, and I don’t blame her for wanting to move along. CRF was not a money maker for her in the recent years (I know this due to having a friend who worked her booth for a few seasons) I’m sure she also has other reasons for moving along. She will be missed.

Moving along…

Yesterday.. or was it the day before? I got an idea into my head. This is always dangerous. As I should have been writing or knitting. Not painstakingly editing a photo so that I can maybe make it work in a chart, and then attempt to knit it up.

If this works, it will be FREAKING AWESOME.
If it doesn’t work… I will be once again reminded why I do not like socks. lol.

I won’t really say what I’m working on yet… but I will say this.. “Wuv… True Wuv”

Hmmm I wonder if this can count as part of my Read/Knit Along? I’ll have to see.

Alright. I guess I’m done rambling for now. I guess I should try to write.
Oh, and I must say.. .even though I put down Alex and her world of vamps… they are still talking in my head. Constantly.

Which recently has come up a lot it seems. Marissa commented on her blog, how writing is an acceptable form of schizophrenia. I agree with that statement. (Mind you, I was paraphrasing) It reminded me of the introduction in the first volume of “Comedity”, where Garth talks about his friend’s experience when it came to being a writer.
His friend had a high paying job (he delivered payroll in his own car, through nasty parts of town.. so he was really really well paid due to the danger involved). He quit his job to become a writer and work on his novel. Well, of course when Tax time came around, he went from reporting a lot of income to reporting 0 income for the year. He of course was audited. He went in sweating and freaking out, and having everything he could possibly have ready to explain his expenses for the last year, and when the taxman asked “so… why did you go from reporting _____ much, to reporting nothing”
Friend: “Well sir. I quit my job to write”
Taxman: “Oh.” *scribble and rubber stamp* “We’re done.”
Friend: “What?”
Taxman: “You are crazy. And this crazy is explainable. Have a good day.”

Apparently, per the IRS, writers are insane, as we will willingly go from having high paid careers (ha i wish) to having zero income for a year or more.

(Again, paraphrasing.. but the words crazy, and insane were actually used, and the convo was that short. I’m not willing to dig out my copy of Comedity right now as it is upstairs)

So not only are we schizophrenic, but we per the taxman are also insane.
This makes sense to me. As I remember sitting in my 2nd period class my Sophomore year of highschool working on a play I was writing.. my first one “Just an ordinary day… like no other”, and my friend Nikki (not the crazy Irish one, but slightly Hispanic one) asked me how I could write what I was writing. I mean, 70 pages of dialogue? She wanted to know where it came from. I couldn’t explain it other than “I just hear them talking.” And it’s true. It’s also the reason I only wrote plays for the longest time.. Because I could hear the voices, but I sucked at the “The color of the mountains at dawn reminded me of a glass of sherry held up to the light coming in from the window.” That kind of stuff.. I sucked at it back then. I wrote poems and plays. That was me.
I’m partly still sucky at it, I have to force myself to do description, and thats partly why I end up putting down somethings I’m working on. Actually, that is one of the reasons I had to put Alex down, Denver and it’s descriptions were kicking my ass lol. I digress..

Is it insanity, when I clearly hear entire conversations of people who do not exist? If I never put my pen to paper, and I only just spoke of the convos… would I have been forced to undergo meeting with psychiatrists? No, I don’t think so. Mostly because I come from a family where we tend to embrace our creativity in all it’s forms. (or at least we do now)
I was never a child who had “imaginary friends” or at least none that I remember. I don’t consider the voices I’ve always heard my imaginary friends. Though, these voices in my head tend to be best friends. So, I guess in fact they are the epitome of what one would call an imaginary friend.

Well.. I’m rambling.. so I guess I’ll leave it here. But yes, I guess I just confirmed what all of you have thought of me for years. I’m absolutely bonkers. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I think the only thing that really drives me crazy, is not only do I have Alex, Daniel and Kit talking in my head right now, but I’ve got my people from my new novel chattering as well. It can get confusing at times lol.

Oh and the final note. My gods… homemade chocolate chip cream cheese rolls.. are just still so wonderful.. no matter how many times I make them.

Frogged and A Hot Fairy Tale

I do feel like such a slacker for not having written any of AHDB recently, but the stress of normal life, was making me unable to write as my cathartic release.
I’ve been knitting instead.

I started to teach myself how to do Cables, so that I could get a leg up on the Alexandra coat that I’ve been talking about for months.

I’m very, very glad that I decided to give it a go with normal yarn as opposed to my Lucien. (Which, I know has been dyed, but I have not received due to the “club” nature of it. I’ll get my first two skeins of it in the next few weeks)

I was banging my head against the wall trying to do the cable chart, and then I finally said screw it, and cast on the entire project, as if I’m doing it entirely.

Well, I discovered my first problem. I was counting the chart as 26 stitches, instead of the 25 it actually was. That was just my mind merging a symbol that looked like another symbol, hence getting 26 instead of 25.

But, once I got past that, I discovered other problems. I didn’t get 7 rows before I ran into this problem.
After frogging and putting it back on at least half a dozen times, I gave up and started poking about online.

Thats when I made a significant discovery. Everyone (minus one person) has had extreme problems with the pattern. There are many bugs in it, and entire parts missing from the instructions.

Woohoo. This means it’s not me messing it up! It means that it’s just a bad pattern.

Well, one of the girls I was chatting with, talked about picking up the project again and completely rewriting the pattern, but she hadn’t thought about that in forever (really not since she had put down the pattern in the first place)

But, me chatting with her reminded her how much she loved the sweater and how it looks, and thus is inspired to possibly pick it up again. If she does, she’ll send me the pattern. Which at this point, I’d trust her pattern over the original author any day. (The author put errata up on the pattern site, only after the girl I was chatting with pointed out the mistakes, and it doesn’t count all the mistakes)

I’m about to start Marissa’s project, as I picked up the last skein of yarn I needed today.

This, most definitely might count as the “neat thing” & holiday gift, as it is quite a well.. it’s a good project. I hope she’ll like it.

Everyone else is just getting a little small item.

I am also, starting a “Princess Bride Read-Knit-Along”
I’ve never read the Princess Bride.. I remember starting it in the 5th grade, but that was the day before school was ending, and I couldn’t borrow the book from my friend. So I read a total of 1 page before I had to give it back, and somehow it has managed to not make it in my reading pile all these years. So I have till June 21st to finish reading the book and knit something related to The Princess Bride.

I now have a copy of the book, as I finally checked out “Hooked on Books” which is not far from my house. I like it much more than The Book Rack. But still not as impressed. I guess I’m just spoiled thanks to The Bookworm (Boulder).

The version I have is amusing. I think it was a cover that was directed towards the adults rather than kids. It’s got artwork from like the 80’s. But the back… the back is amusing..

โ€œWhat Happens-
When the most beautiful girl in the world marries the handsomest prince in the world and he turns out to be a son of a bitch?โ€

I also picked up:
Death Du Jour by Kathy Reitchs, it’s the next in the Bones books.
Shakespeare’s Landlord by Charlaine Harris, first in the Shakespeare series
Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris, 4th book in the Sookie Stackhouse series – mmm Eric. love him.
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, woohoo.. finally gonna get to read it.

I was able to justify buying the books, because I only spend 23$ for all the books, and they are all books I plan on sending to Guy to read during the summer break and books to get him through exam times etc.

We ended up going to the bead store, and I’m honestly surprised how much I got for as little as I spent. Mother of Mine had a 5$ gift certificate, so with buying a bead for her, I only ended up spending 3$ (and 1.60$ of that was the bead for her)

Oh, random knitting note (sorry, typing past my bed time.. what do you expect?)

Having figured out how to DO cables, I have now accomplished one of my two main goals for the year. The next is to tackle simple socks. Woohoo.

Mother of Mine and I hunted slightly for Easter dinner. Which I can’t recall if I’ve spoken of or not.

Now as you all know, I do not celebrate the christian holidays as I am not christian. But as Mother of Mine is connecting with her church and stuff like that, I am supportive of her. So I was sitting there thinking what we might want for Easter dinner, because she’ll want to have something nice.
And really, the only thing that came to my mind was “Hmmm.. Rabbit would be nice.”

Yes, I am that twisted.

Rabbit on Easter. bwhahahahaha

Unfortunately, the rabbit is not meant to be (this year). We left of inquiring about it till today, and the only kind we would be able to get would be whole (ugh) and frozen.

Nope, won’t work for this year.

Oh, random jump.. sorry again..
I finally found the damn buttons. Remember the quest for the buttons? I hadn’t gone to JoAnn’s. Honesty I just should have looked there first. Perfect purple buttons, and I’m slick enough that they are the perfect size. Again, they were 50% off. SWEEET.
They are even stitched on to the leg warmers. So, as soon as Mother of Mine finishes weaving in the ends (i did the buttons, but it was her knitting project) i’ll get to wear them, and will also post photos.
The purple was a grand choice and goes well with the blue. Woohoo!

Random: watching Alias season two.. and it is just always weird to see a Russian Cowboy bar and Russian cowboy songs it is not new, but it still amuses me (First time I ever saw it was of course James Bond, Goldeneye. But that was still in english)

Work: It was a rough beginning of the week just because things were changed and other things were in the spotlight. Nothing was my fault as I wasn’t there. But it was blown out of proportion due to it being something that really NEVER happens. It just happened to happen and it bit us. (Mostly, the only reason it happened at all, is because one of our agents screwed up in the first place. Then things just slipped)
So that lead to meetings, and more meetings, and more meetings. Which just made it an unbelievably tiresome and hectic week, and made me freak out about my job. I really do just need to remember to take a deep breath and remember that I am a good worker, and I do my job, and that I’m not one of the people they want to let go.
It didn’t help my mindset either to find out that another one of my Ravelry buddies ended up being let go this week as well. It was completely out of the blue, which is another reason everything that happened made me so freaked.

I should stop rambling about it. As I am rambling as I am quite tired.

Later peoples…

Oh, one last note:
Doctor Who season 4… FREAKING AWESOME!
We just finished watching it. And OH MY GODS.

I still don’t like Catherine Tate, but I do like Donna a bit more.

And everything else… just… wow.. wow wow wow wow.

Another random note:
I have an entire rant to post soon, but I’m too tired to try to rant about it now, and when I first went to rant about it, Blogger didn’t want to work on my work computer. So, I’ve got it sitting waiting for ranting.