This blog is mostly going to be my little place to talk about the novel I am writing. Which is why I stole a quote from one of my favorite tv shows, as this novel I am writing, I plan to finish, and at times.. it feels like an impossible thing. Also this is to journal my move to the UK, and starting my own business as an Indie Yarn Dyer

Posts tagged “vampires

Grab a Freshie.

I promise I do have a kick ass post to post about the Hockey game.

I swear.

Really. You believe me right?

Well… this is not that post.

This post… I am debuting a new yarn.

Josef Kostan from Moonlight.

One of the Snarkiest Vampires on the small screen for a good long while.

You know.. Vampire Solidarity and all that.. Rah Rah Rah!

So grab a freshie, or a non fat soy vegan blood if that’s what you prefer and enjoy.

This, to my knowledge is the final Moonlight colorway I’ll be doing. I don’t know, we’ll see if I get inspired for another one the next time I watch the dvds.

Now its time to go make dinner and then have another Pumpkin Pillow cause those are just damn nummy.

Seriously shocking

I am still in shock.

I just had a … wait for it…

Pleasant experience calling Customer Service!

Brian at… whoever you are, you were a peach.
All it took was me giving my order number. Confirming my phone number and address. Giving him a brief run down of what the heck was going on with my Zen, and voila!
Within 24 hours, I will have my printable mailing label in my email box.
I already have my Zen and all the little bits of hardware that came with it (i’m missing just the silly little bag/pouch that came with it, and one of the software cd’s. the tiny lanyard, I’m just gonna not worry about as it works very well attached to my mothers camera, and I doubt they will notice thats not in the box) back into it’s box, and snugged inside a box fit for mailing. All I have to do, is tape the box up, slap the label on it and drop it in the mail.

The entire phone call took less than 10 minutes, honestly it took me longer to gather all the bits and pieces and do a half assed search for the software cd.

It sucks that my Zen died, but I’m glad that I had spent the 10$ for the 2 year warranty on it. Of course, that warranty will expire this up coming Nov, but I think I can renew it. I’ll have to look into that. I just need my zen to last me 18 months. Yes, I say 18 months, because if it dies in 17 months, and I’m stuck on the plane to the UK (18 hour flight minimum) with no music, or having to deal with the old school of CD’s. I’ll most likely kill someone. So, in 18 months, after I’ve had a chance to settle into the UK, it can die. I’ll get a new one. Because at that time, I should be able to afford the nice like… oh 40 gig one instead of the puny little 4 gig one I have now.

I don’t care if they just fix mine, or replace it or give me credit for a new one. I honestly don’t care, either way I’ll have a new zen soon. If they just give me credit for a new one, I don’t think they even have the 4gig ones on the website anymore, so I’d just spend a bit more and get one of the newer models. With more space on it.

But all in all, within the next 2 weeks, I’ll have my music back. Woohoo.

I don’t think there was any music on my music player that I can’t replace.. I think I was smart and either have it all on cd or I’ve still got it zipped on my computer. It’ll just require me to unzip the files again. I think I’ve even got my playlist for the “A Hard Day’s Bite” Inspiration list.
Though, I don’t think the version of the playlist I have on my laptop is up to date. Either way, thats no biggie.

Today I am home from work. Stupid Presidents day. Most likely there won’t be any posts from me later this week, simply because I’ll be working 10 hour days. Yup. Even friday. (Though, since I never do take lunch, I’ll most likely still be able to leave after 8 hours instead of 10 hours on Friday…)

Reading update:
Just finished reading “Wolfsbane and Mistletoe” Which was a collection of werewolf novels, obviously set at Christmas. I only read it for the Charlaine Harris story of “Gift Wrap” (Sookie Stackhouse). None of the other stories grabbed my interest at all to even bother reading them, and I was more interested in getting back to my knitting. So eventually I’ll own the book and go back and read all the other stories.

I also finished reading Coraline by Neil Gaiman, which I can’t recall if I spoke about at all or not. I loved the book.

I also finished reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon. Which I have to say, I enjoyed this one so much more than i’ve enjoyed any of the others in the series that are set in the “Americas”. I am actually looking forward to the next one.

Couch book: How to Live on Mars by Robert Zubrin (haven’t actually started it yet)
Bed book: Tale of Desperaux
Purse book: as always, it is still The Peshawar Lancers

Knitting update:
I am about halfway done with my project of Entrelac. It looks rather pretty.. I love it. Due to the colors, it is becoming a project for Guy, which I’m sure he will use. After all, the UK has been rather cold right now.

And on a completely random note… I just watched Labyrinth for the first time in a long time. Sigh. I love that movie. I giggle at all the goblins.

You remind me of the Babe..

Last night I did not get anything written when I went to bed. I was so exhausted. I did however decide on the name of a vampire. Previously he had been a question mark, but I have decided that yes, this is his name, and it is entirely different than the one he was using. It’s also, to me.. utterly modern and normal. Which works for what I was going for. A younger vamp. Doesn’t like the rules necessarily. Nope no Spike or Armand. Nothing exotic, nor sinister. It is a name off the category I don’t like, so technically to me, it is a sinister name. But no one would know. Should I share? Hmm…. Well, I won’t share, but I will give you a tiny morsel. It starts with a J.

And no, though I have been having Labyrinth-centric thoughts recently, it is not Jareth. *grins* sadly, I wish I had money to spend, as there is an artists I found on one of my LJ groups *gagging noise related to LJ*, who made the most adorable worm. I want one. Someday, I will have the money and I will have my little worm.

She has an Etsy store, where he is not for sale (As he is being sold to someone privately) But the original post of him can be found here. Linky
Also, her Etsy store can be found here.

I am constantly having visions of my future “Office” and some day I Shall have it.
Just little things around my office to remind me of inspiration. Labyrinth was always a movie that inspired me.

Today at work was surprisingly busier than I had imagined it would be. I actually had to *gasp* work.
I was also informed (after they informed me the opposite information) that I will not be working on Christmas. Damn them. Yes, first they tell me it’s confirmed. I will be, then 2 hours later they come by and tell me that no, they were wrong. Sigh.

But I have a feeling it will get a bit quieter at work the next 2 days. Generally at this point in the season, if it’s broke, and isn’t stopping mail flow.. they don’t care. They’ll leave it till after the holiday.

Update on The Graveyard Book. I think it is absolutely delightful. Neil Gaiman has a great way to make a story unfold right before you. I will own this book, and I hope that either my children will read it, or someday I will read it to them.

I guess thats all for now, I need to avoid eating all the cookies and brownies Mother of Mine just made.