This blog is mostly going to be my little place to talk about the novel I am writing. Which is why I stole a quote from one of my favorite tv shows, as this novel I am writing, I plan to finish, and at times.. it feels like an impossible thing. Also this is to journal my move to the UK, and starting my own business as an Indie Yarn Dyer

Posts tagged “Vampire

Elementary, my dear Watson.

Today I have not done much.

I woke up.  I got out of bed.  I got in the car and drove to the gym.

I drove right past my real estate agency where upon I remembered it was the 1st of February.  And I also remembered that I did not have my rent check.  Sigh.  I then also remembered that I did not have my library books, which I was going to take back after gym.  Apparently my mind did not want to function this morning.

I did however have a book with me to read (and more specifically the book I wanted to read) so that my solo biking was not boring.  I’m also up to 3 minutes on the elliptical machine.  Woot!

Turns out my solo biking turned into solo aqua class.  This is now the second class without my gym buddy.  Oh well.  She is apparently sick.  Not to fret, it’s not going to stop me from going myself.

I splurged and bought a new pair of headphones so that I can have workout music.  I like my Skullcandy Lowriders, but they are not good for activities.  As they won’t stay on the head if you do a lot of leaning.  And well… they also feel icky sweaty against your ears after a while.  Gross.

So I have now purchased some Skullcandy CHOPS.  Which are over the ear clips so that they actually stay in place.  I of course bought them on ebay (new in box) at a much discounted price. (Think 12$ w/free shipping instead of 30$ plus shipping)

I received a package in the mail from Luna at Spelled with a W, which consisted of a spell kit for Imbolc.  She was running a give away for either the Imbolc kit, or a Valentines Day Love Kit, and I really didn’t need a Love Kit, as I happened to already snag my beau.  And also that any little kit I might make for a friend… will need to wait until after the move so that I have the proper ingredients.

Today my trickery paid off, and I am now in the Vampire Sock Club 2.  Well, specifically Guy is.  But thats alright, I’m paying for it, and he shall reap the benefits of my yarn habit.  Ironically when I asked him if there were any yarns that he specifically would like me to get (out of my 12 skeins), he picked ones that I either already had (Lucien, and Michael Corvin), or ones that were already on the list that I wanted.  I’ve decided to get some more of Lucien and Michael as I really do love them, and I want to try them in the Merino Cashmere Nylon mix.

The Lucien that I already have, as I’ve already mentioned is set on the Clockwork Lucien project, which I am as also mentioned, thinking about changing the yarn on and either using the 10 skeins for other projects, or selling.  We’ll see.  And my gods that was a long run on sentence. Lol.

I’ve been enjoying the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes, which I grew up on. Jeremy Brett really was a most fantastic Holmes.

I did not make it to the library. That shall be tomorrow. Tonight shall be tucked up under the blanket, with tea and knitting, praying that my back stops tweaking sometime in the near future.  (The back has been tweaking for about 3 days now, aqua class helped this morning, but not enough sadly.)

Time to knit!