This blog is mostly going to be my little place to talk about the novel I am writing. Which is why I stole a quote from one of my favorite tv shows, as this novel I am writing, I plan to finish, and at times.. it feels like an impossible thing. Also this is to journal my move to the UK, and starting my own business as an Indie Yarn Dyer


Such a busy time!

Alright everyone, it’s been quite a busy little time for me.
Well, busy and yet not.

Lets go in order shall we?

Sunday night:
Had dream I was laid off. This was not me panicking. This was me happy, and deciding how best my day was going to proceed. I had decided in the dream that I was going to walk to the library every day, which is up quite a good sized hill. This urge to walk it every day, meant that I was skinny (less jiggly) by the time 1)I moved to England next year, and 2) the wedding.
It was a good dream.

Monday morning:
Come into work to find that 5 people had been laid off.
Go have a chat with the bossman.
He tells me that 3-4 more people needed to be laid off by the end of this week (err last week by the time I’m writing this)
Casually discuss with bossman that I’ve got contingency plans in place if I were to be laid off. Saw his eyes light up at that. Assured him that I was not volunteering to be laid off.
Go home, double check my contingency plans just to make sure.
Have some important discussions with family.

Tuesday morning:
Have discussion with bossman again about the whole layoff situation. Can’t go into details, but I just level with him more about my personal situation.

Day off of work. Spent the day cleaning. Seriously cleaned my bedroom.

Work a 10 hour day with no lunch.
Was informed by bossman that I was in fact being laid off. Don’t worry, this is a good thing. I’ve got it all planned out, I’ve got contingencies, and I’m also leaving the country in 33 weeks. It just means that Pan (my kittah) will have to wait 6 months (That is of course if the vet tells me that he’s healthy enough for the process).
Drove home with a sense of calm. Which is odd after a 10 hour shift with no lunch. Wasn’t cranky. Didn’t want to cry.

Good day at work. Another 10 hour day. Pack my desk up. Drop off my badge at the end of the day. Said goodbye to my favorite security guard.

I’m one of the few people who got to know ahead of time that I was getting laid off. Mostly, it was because I had given so much to my job, and been such a loyal worker for so many years. Not to mention all the s*** I had put up with.

It was a good Friday the 13th in my opinion.

YAY. It’s my birthday.
4:30am attempt to email from my phone- doesn’t work. Drag my butt out of bed and turn on the laptop. Quickly email Guy to call me.
5am he finally calls, when I’m supposed to be getting out of bed and getting dressed. So I talk to him for a moment.
6am we leave the house. Drove up to the Boulder Tea House (with a stop at Walmart first to pick up a few needed items for the house as it’s snowing and things like toilet paper are things you do not want to run out of in a snow storm)
I order a pot of my Russian Caravan. Nom. Love that tea. If anyone is ever curious what you can get me… Russian Caravan from the Boulder Tea house (yes, they are online) is a good bet. Lapsang Souchang is also another one. (There are a few that peaked my interest after I had ordered, but I wasn’t going to try it on that day. Mayhaps next month)

Katte and Mimi show up shortly thereafter. It was supposed to be a huge surprise that Mimi was in town. It was great to see her. I did know she was in town, which I”m glad I knew… if only because it allowed me to make my bedroom livable while she is here.

Mark, Darla, and Aidan joined us.

We had a grand old time, and breakfast was quite nummy. And I have the coolest friend. Crystal (of the Vampire Halloween Swap rescue package fame), sent me the coolest birthday pressie. A necklace of Wicked. I loved it.

Mother of Mine then dragged all of us to a yarn shop in Boulder. Which… to be honest… I wasn’t impressed with. I mean, it was alright… but… meh. I knew exactly who one of her suppliers was, as she didn’t even bother changing the name.

Then we scooted down to Denver so that Mum could be entered into the Wicked Lottery.
Mum gave up her ticket to Mimi so that she could join us for the show.
Unfortunately Mom didn’t win one of the spare seats. (You show up 2 hours before the show, and you get the chance to win a seat to purchase.)

We walked over to the Tattered Cover, and looked at books etc.
Then Mimi and I had to head over to the theater again.

Don’t worry, Mum had her own adventure with friends so it all worked out. And next year Mum and I will go see Wicked in London, so it will be fine.

The show…

The show was FANTABULOUS!
The girl playing Elphie was just… amazing. Honestly.
The girl playing Glinda…. was a bit nasaly. Which bugged me to be honest. But she was still good.
The boy playing Fiyero was good. Much better than the previous performance I’ve seen. (Though towards the end he played it… lets just say “a little less than straight”. Which frankly I prefer to the previous Fiyero who played it “ghetto prince”)

Everyone else was quite good.
Went and picked my Mum up at another LYS (which was not the original plan, but as I said.. she had her own adventure)
Drove home in the snow storm. (Started snowing in the middle of the performance)
Stopped at Petsmart for kitty food.
Stopped at Whole Foods for the dinner fixings. Homemade pizza with Chocolate Chip Angel food cake with homemade ganache for dessert.

Quite a splendid day all in all.

Was spent in jammies and a Firefly marathon, as Mimi had never seen it.

Which brings us to today:
This morning, I went to look at my phone to get out of bed, and dropped my cellphone on my face, busting my lip. Joy.
I was highly afraid it would set the tone for the day, but in fact it didn’t.
Started the unemployment process.

It was amusing, I didn’t get the phone call over the weekend, so I panicked, and I called my employers (not the bossmen, but the people who actually handle the contracts) as I had a few questions in regards to the form I had to fill out for the unemployment benefits…and I got a hold of her before she checked her email. And the convo went like this:
Me: Hi, I was laid off on Friday, but as I didn’t get the phone call, I was just checking in to make sure everything is copacetic.
Her:My computer is still booting up, it’s rather slow.
we chat about other things
Her:Just got the email from (Bossman). And it says ”I’m emailing you to inform you that I had to lay off Erin G*****. Please call her in the morning to inform her of this.” So, Erin… I have to tell you (trying not to giggle as it was amusing) you’ve been laid off.
Me: Phew. And yes my desk is already cleared out, and my badge was already turned into (bossman).

The reason for the amusement of the convo was 1)I’ve been aware that I was being laid off since pretty much last Tuesday. (Can’t talk about the details of how or why I knew. But lets just say the entire decision was not only bossmans) 2)It was now Monday morning, and I was laid off on Friday. 3)I was the calling her instead of the other way around.
But yup, she confirmed that I was now in laid off status, and that I am in the “Rehireable” status, and that all I needed to do was send her an updated resume. (which counts towards my UI weekly requirement.)
So I was able to finish applying for UI this morning, already made 2 out of 5 of my requirements for the week.

After that we decided to head to Garden of the Gods as the snow was finally starting to melt and the Sun was out.
Stopped at Colorado Mills to look at fabric. I finally found my wedding fabric. Of course, I’ve got taste. So it shall be highly expensive. Must see if I can find it online. But… I’ve decided on White Crushed Silk. As I will be able to dye it after the wedding, and thus my wedding dress will no longer look like a wedding dress, but instead a fabulous silk dress.

Then we get to Garden of the Gods, even stopped at the Nature Center. Which was neat.
Went through the hike on the path, it was quite a beautiful day.

Apparently they were filming The Biggest Loser in the park there. And I managed to slip on the one bit of ice right in front of about 10 of the contestants. But I spectacularly caught myself and didn’t actually fall. They applauded.

Came home, been watching Inspector Lynley. Just been enjoying the rest of the day.

I can now officially do the ”I’m Free at last” dance (Which I was doing a lot this morning while I was taking the hike through Garden of the Gods)

The weight is already off my shoulders. 🙂

Tomorrow I have to drive Mimi to the airport in Denver.

Don’t worry, there shall be lots of photos of the Garden of the Gods, and the Birthday enjoyment, uploaded here and onto my FB.

Have gotten lots knitted.
Current book: House of Many Ways by Diana Wynn Jones

Bugs and Hisses everyone!

A busy weekend

So today I was productive. I was also productive yesterday, but that is a different story.

Today I made some stitch markers.

These, were made for two girls on Ravelry whom did me a huge favor. Of course, since I had all the pieces parts, I decided to make a couple of more. (The girls will get 1 each)
I haven’t decided if I’ll save them for when I’m doing yarnie stuff, or if I should perhaps put them up for sale on Etsy… The are made from Swarovski crystal.
Of course, these are of Doctor Who, and specifically my loverly Pinstripe wearing Ten.

This little penguin was made for myself, but I have decided to gift him to my swap victim, as I had mostly buttons for her and not many stitch markers. But, I can get another of him, so I’ll be making another for myself.

And lastly..
Mother of Mine found these “emeralds” for me, they are absolutely gorgeous, and are very OZ like. When I was getting my other materials for the other stitch markers, I found these pins.. They also reminded me of OZ.
So these, which are only for myself (as the pins were a bitch to work with and fought me every step of the way, which is why one of them is a little more bent then it should) and I am calling them Kiamo Ko.

Oh, and the random Button one in there, was actually a set of earrings that Dot made me. I was of course highly allergic to the earrings, so I never wore them and so I decided to make them into stitch markers and send them off in the Button and Stitch Marker swap. Very appropriate if I do say so myself.

Now, my victim for the swap.. I have to say is getting damned spoiled. As all buttons were 50% off, so she is getting a freaking lot. I most likely will not be as lucky, as well.. thats how it goes.

I said yesterday was productive as well. We completely rearranged the house. Okay, it wasn’t that drastic, but it involved shuffling things around the entire house because our house isn’t that big.
The main thing, was the couch. But moving a couch is so much more involved then most people would think. It meant moving 2 other chairs, and also cleaning cleaning cleaning, making room in the room that the couch was going up into and so on and so forth.
Both our backs are sore, and we ended the day exhausted, and cranky, and broken. My leg was hurt during the process, but it’s doing better. The cat is slowly accepting the new arrangement, but he was quite freaked out by the entire thing.

After the move, we also decided to go through the leather trunk of mine that is full of fabric. Quite seriously, it is a huge steamer type trunk that was chock full of fabric. We put it all in one of those space saver bags, and it now is only taking up about a fourth of the entire trunk. I gotta say, I am entirely impressed with it, and will definitely be using those bags on ALLLLLLL my stuff for the big move.

Alright. I’m done babbling. I need a brownie.

Next post, or at least one in the near future, shall be talking about my Playful Bites sock. There shall be pictures even. I’m kicking ass on this sock.

Oh, and PS:
Just came up with a few more colorways. But I want to get permission first. Then I’ll talk about it.


(turn and face the strain)
Dont want to be a richer man
(turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I cant trace time

Come on, you all know you now have that song stuck in your head.

But, yes it rings true. I think I have finally given myself something serious to think about with the direction of my novel. It’s something that a lot of authors end up doing. You get a really great story, but somethings not working.. so gotta change. For some, it means putting the idea on the back burner for 10 years (a la Jacqueline Carey, and her new Santa Olivia), for others it can just be as simple as changing the hair color of a character.

For me, it shall be a bit of a drastic change. But one I’m willing to embrace.
I think part of the reason I hadn’t been able to write recently, was things were just feeling a bit off. My own fears about reality were creeping into my world too much.
Not to mention, one of the characters, just kept fading too much from my mind.
And yes, I consider the location a character as Denver, is quite the character unto it’s self. Well, Denver and I have not been friends for a while. I have not hung out with Denver for about 4 years, other than the occasional drive through, or quick trip to say hello.
And in my novel, the backdrop of Colorado, and Denver specifically was kind of important.
Certainly it will adjust a future novel. (I mean come on… it makes total sense that there would be werewolves in Boulder.. right?)

But I think the change I’m making will be for the better. I was getting too bogged down trying to remember things. I’ve been meaning to take a trip to Denver, and it just hasn’t happened, and all of this will only get worse after I move.

Then, here is the reality that kept trying to creep in.
If I were staying in the US, then as an author trying to pitch a story set in the city of Denver, wouldn’t be a big deal. I can sell internationally even though it’s a small US city (yes, Denver isn’t that small, but compared to NY.. it is.. see my point?). Look at LKH, and KH, and even the tiny towns like SM, and CH proved.

I won’t change my main character, she’ll still be who she is. But just the backdrop will change, it opens up more possibilities, and actually tackles a few of the little problems I was having. (just little stuff I doubt any of you would have thought about.)

It’ll be tough, because I won’t be able to experience some things first hand until things in life settle down. But I think I can make it work. I am a woman who knows how to use her resources, and also who knows how to do her research.

For once, the fact that me being too brain dead to write has been a bonus.

So, I’m hoping that this will be a good change. I’m confident that it will be. And it will allow me to feel more stable in the world I’m creating.

The things one hears in a bookstore..

So there I was, in Hooked on Books this morning, and this highly amused me.
I over heard this conversation:

Little Girl 1: “No, you have to go to mom’s corner to find her books”
Little Girl 2: “Mom has a corner?”

As the two young girls walk right past me into the very much “Romance” area of the store.
Little Girl 2: “Oh.” (in a very knowing way)

Moving along, today mom bought a Spinning Wheel.
Yup, we are once more the owners of a wheel. But this one, is not in need of repair, which means you can actually… spin on it.

After picking up the wheel, I dropped my mom off at her church so that she can work in the garden. Even though it is drizzly outside, they are determined to get the garden going again.

We were early, so we found Poor Richard’s. Which is a used bookstore in Downtown Co Springs (it was literally a block away, so that was fun)
Now, here are my thoughts on Poor Richard’s.
I’m quite undecided if I like it or not. It is the neatest, cleanest used bookstore I’ve ever seen.
It doesn’t look like a used bookstore at all.
You can find everything right away, and it’s attached to a coffee shop, and it’s also attached to a toy store, and has a lot of things for sale.
I honestly think it bugged me at how neat and organized it was. And it still didn’t feel like a used bookstore due to the high amount of duplicates of the books.

I had taken my copy of Breaking Dawn with me, because the plan had not been to go to Poor Richard’s but instead to Hooked on Books.
I had decided not to take my copy into Poor Richard’s because 1)I didn’t know if I would find anything I wanted to take home, and so I didn’t want credit at a store downtown instead of HoB which is closer. and 2)a woman was walking in with a copy of Breaking Dawn. So generally used bookstores don’t like multiple copies (this was before I went in and saw the many multiples.)

So when I was done dropping mom off, and we were done with Poor Richard’s, thats when I headed towards HoB. Sure, it took me wandering around for an hour to find all the books I wanted.. .but also it was only my second time there. It is organized in the classic Used books manner, which means cluttered and there is the chance of tripping over some books… But it just felt a little nicer.
As I was trying to actually use my Trade Credit, that is the reason it took me so long to actually get out of there. The books I tend to read tend to be the ones that you can’t use trade for.

The ones I ended up with was
Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris (book 2 of Sookie. So what that means, is I just need to find the first one and then I can send it to Guy without any guilt)
Digital Fortress by Dan Brown – haven’t read it yet, so finally decided to pick it up.
Hunter’s Moon by Lori Handeland – yes, it’s a trashy romance novel, but once I’m done I’ll take it back to the store for credit. And heck.. it’s werewolves and such. So it’s a fun trashy romance.

Still reading “White Witch, Black Curse” Kim Harrison

Just finished Supernatural season 3. Man I enjoy that show a lot. Damn now having to wait for season 4.

Started watching Ghost Whisperer season 1. Meh.. .it’s alright… I’m annoyed by the wardrobe choices made for Jennifer Love Hewitt. I’m sorry, but when you work in an antique store and actively moving boxes/gathering new merchandise…. you do not wear long flowy white dresses. So that bugs me. And my gods, it repeats so much dialogue it’s not even funny anymore. “I call them earth-bound spirits, those who cannot pass on”.

I am whilst having the house to myself, watching Smallville season 7. Oooh Bizzaro!

I finally figured out why this week I’ve been so cranky… My body decided that after nearly 6 months of not having a period it was time. (yeah yeah… I had been meaning to force one, but I just kept putting it off so I wouldn’t be cranky at work)
That would explain why my tailbone felt out of whack yesterday, and why I’ve been so very irritable. Also why my entire body is all achy. So today I’ll start my round of spacer pills and just go with what the universe and my body apparently wanted.

My backup is about to make my life a lot more stressful, as he has reached the breaking point with the politics at work. Basically, remember me this time last year, and you’ll understand where he is at. Though I moved past it and just have hit the apathetic state, he is in the angry state and is doing everything he can do to get a new job.
I do wish him luck, and I do hope that he finds something (I cannot begrudge anyone for not wanting to stay there… If I didn’t have the light at the end of the tunnel.. .I would have quit a long time ago)
But, it he goes.. that will mean I am loosing really the only real worker I have, and the sad fact is there is no one that I can replace him with. Quite literally, no one. Everyone else only works half days, or gets sent over to other desks. I do not have anyone who is trained for backlogs, that is always there. (And those who are not trained… well lets just say, there is no one up to snuff on even being able to do backlogs)

I’m almost done with my first sock. Woohoo. I’ve turned the heel and everything. I got very frustrated with the instructions for the heel, because it was wanting me to do something that is not physically possible.

There are times, were you just cannot fit 13 stitches, into a space where it only allows for 10. So that made me frustrated to the point where I had to hand it off to my mother.
I understand what the instructions wanted, but there was just no way that I could squeeze those stitches in there.
We’ll see how the second sock goes.

Well… I’m officially starving, and I think I’m going to be decadent and make french toast.

Later peoples.

Seaweed goodness, And the chance to win a Wicked handmade

Alright, so I realize I’ve been a little quite.

I’ve been.. busy, and then yesterday I was avoiding getting on any site I actually care about. Why risk the nastys that are floating around the intarwebs. (considering we’ve been dealing with a nasty virus at work, and it’s not that conficker thing, I just again don’t want it on my comp at home.)

I’ve been working on a “Seaweed Shrug” as I’ve been calling it..
Not a good photo, but you can at least see why I’ve been calling it the sea weed shrug.

This photo is from a few days ago, and it’s at least 3 feet longer by now. Okay, mayhaps not that much.. but darn near close. I will of course have photos of the finished product.

Also on the knitting front, I am opening up a little give away.
I originally posted it on my facebook, but I’ve gotten no one to actually follow the rules. I might give them something anyways, if I can’t get 5 people to pay it forward on their own.

I’m feeling crafty… I think this one will work out fine

The first five (5) people to respond to this post will get something made by me. (You do not have to have been tagged.) This offer does have some restrictions and limitations so please read carefully: HECK I MAY JUST SEND TO ALL THAT POST A COMMENT 🙂

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. Whatcha get is whatcha get.
2. What I create will be just for you, with love.
3. It’ll be done this year (2009).
4. I will not give you any clue what it’s going to be. It will be something made in the real world and not something cyber. It may be weird or beautiful. It may be baked goods.
5.I reserve the right to do something extremely strange, if inspired to do so.
6. In return, all you need to do is post this text into a note of your own and make something for me and the first 5 to respond to your note.
7. Send me your mailing address if you don’t live close to me!

IMPORTANT: This offer is at your discretion but I would like to think null and void if I do not see you post your own note to pay this forward

Moving on..
I am rather tired this morning as it started snowing yesterday. What was supposed to be flurries was as ferocious as the blizzard we had.
So this morning something woke me up before my alarm.. might have been my internal alarm that i set last night, and also my cat helped wake me up. That meant I was out of bed when I my first alarm went off at 4:30.
I was dressed and downstairs 10 minutes later brushing off my car. Thankfully the snow stopped, but it was nothing but ice on the streets.
Had to stop and get gas, because I was not going to deal with trecherous driving on a nearly empty tank. Nope.. thats just asking to get stuck somewhere and not being able to run your car every 10 minutes for warmth because you ran out of a gas after the second “gotta keep warm” segment.

I got to work by 5:30, but I took it slow and steady the entire time. Yeah, a few red lights happened while I was still going through the intersection, but any cop would see that there was no way I could have stopped and I was already half way through the intersection before it went red.

Today is going to be a long day no matter what the call volume is like. Just because I’m so very tired.

Yesterday was odd… it was the first time in a long time where I didn’t talk to Guy at all (when I wasn’t upset with him.)
I wasn’t on any real chatting sites or anything that could snag my info, and he was also at a Rugby match (right? I can’t recall if it was Football or rugby) in Bath.

Which accordingly to the email I got this morning, Bath is now on one of the lists of “It’d be nice to move here.” From what I’ve seen in photos and such like that, yes I would enjoy Bath a lot. So I’m not opposed to the idea. It’s very Roman in the archtecture and just.. beautiful. I can’t wait to someday visit.

Had some unpleasentness at work the past few days, but it’s been resolved, and in the end I was doing my job as I was told to do it. So.. *shrugs* it’s all good and my manager backed me up on it.

I guess I’m done rambling for now..

Bed book: Mirror, Mirror by Gregory McGuire
Couch book: Unusual Suspects – (Sookie Stackhouse short story is in it)
Purse book: the unchanging – Peshawar Lancers

Defying Gravity…

So just to make this even more themed…

Yes, I am going to Wicked in October. Wooohoooo! I can’t wait.

now on to my Wicked Verdigris.

I am completely finished with section A and B. (Which are exactly the same)They are currently getting some light blocking done. Meaning they were made damp, and currently are pinned to the carpet to “form” them into the proper shapes.
I’m proud of myself, as my tension was pretty darn good and so they really don’t need much blocking at all. Woohoo.

I am skipping ahead though, because your supposed to wait till it’s all done to block and then put the pieces together.
But as I am modifying section C, I want to put section A and b together so that i can put it on, and see exactly how long i need and or want to make section C. The difference can be at least 40 rows of stitching, so I’d rather just try it out first then end up having to rip stitches out.

Last night I cast on section C (meaning I started it. for all you non knitting readers), and I got about 20 rows done before bedtime. Mind you, that was less than an hours worth of work on a very boring part. You know the boring parts I mentioned on the other sections? Well this entire section is that boring part 200 to 240 (or something like that) rows of nothing but garter stitch. BORING. gotta put it down every few rows.

On the reading front:
Currently reading The Bride of Casa Dracula. I’m about 50 pages in, and the entire time I’ve been debating it if I want to actually read it. But it’s slightly a compulsion. Sigh. it’s just… I don’t know. Once again there is the whole “i dress like a slut, but why does think i’m a slut?!” aspect. Honestly. A plastic white mini skirt at least a size too small????
At least it hasn’t dived into the “oh everyone hates me because i’m hispanic” aspect of it yet. And I say yet, as it will be inevitable.

I guess I read these books as reminders to myself of what I don’t want to write like.

On the writing front:
Nope. nothing new. Sigh. Don’t have time right now. but I got ideas percolating, and I’m still running high off the new chapters. woohoo for that.

On a random note:
So some of you have been hearing me whine for a while now (most likely in the previous blog on myspace) about how I want to get back into playing the piano.
Well, there was that bruahaha with a certain individual whom I was going to borrow a piano from.

Weeeeeeel… the person who was kindly storing the piano for the bitch in question has also had not fun times with bitch in question, and has decided to let me use the piano. When bitch in question asks for it back, they’ll get it back obviously, but for now it’s out of my friends house, and soon I shall actually have it set up and shall be reminding myself how horrible I am at playing piano.

Though, as I just discovered, there are some things one never forgets. My right hand has full muscle memory of the right hand intro for Tarantella. Woohoo. Ironically, it was that piece of music which facilitated my abrupt stop of playing music when I was a kid.

Tarantella was the piece I had to learn to move onto the next level. I informed my teacher I didn’t want to compete. She didn’t want to teach me anymore. And I was terrified of Tarantella because it was so beyond my skill. So it’s the last piece I really “learned” and after at least 15 years, my right hand still knows how to play it. the left hand.. has half the memory, but it was confused the last time I attempted to play it.

On the work front:
Busy busy busy. They are messing with us greatly. Which is making more work for me. Which sucketh. To the point where my eye twitches when i’m at work. Almost non stop. I can’t stand it.

The only thing that keeps me going is my constant mantra of “15 months, 15 months”

Speaking of that… Today is once again the monthly anniversary of meself and Guy. By the old counting system.. we have 1.39 years left.
The new counting system.. 15 months and a week and a half.

On the Vampire yarn front:
Poll ends tonight. But there might be some last minute changes. Such as I might only have 1 yarn to pick when it comes down to it.
As I said there is issue with the whole dying thing.
And now there is an issue with the whole Weight of yarn thing.

Jen is sending me one of her leftover balls of yarn, out of her “Silk Sock”, which I can’t remember the content right now but I think it’s like 80% silk, 20% wool.. I think i can’t recall. Which I might be able to stand, but she can only get it in whats known as Fingering Weight. Which is a lot lighter than the DK that I need to do the project in. So I have to do the math and figure out how much more I’m going to need so as to be 100% sure I have enough for the Alexandra. So I might need 9 skeins of the Lucien just to be on the safe side. And, that means with the 2 yummy Michael Corvins, that will leave only 1 spot open for a random color.

I will of course let ya’ll know how it plays out. But I won’t know till later.

Today already is not a good day.

It technically started yesterday, and just hasn’t gotten better at all.

My beloved mp3 player.. my Creative Zen, has died on me. It freezes, and will not charge due to the frozen status.
After much troubleshooting on my part and frustration, I submitted a “hey its broke” ticket to Creative, and this morning..
I got an email back from Creative saying “oh your past your 60 day email support, but if you want to pay out the butt we’ll give you 30 minutes of support, after that, we charge you more.”
Luckily, when I bought it, I bought the 2 year protection from, which means Overstock will take care of it. But I can’t call them until after work.

Yesterday continued:
My knitting was making me frustrated beyond belief, but mostly it was a silly mistake on my part the last time, tonight I am hoping for better results and I think I am understanding the situation more and more. That is what is keeping me from being actually “insane” by Einstein’s theory. I am learning each time I do it, therefore I am actually getting different results.

Mother of Mine made pork chops for dinner with Pacific Rose apples that I had picked up, it turned out really good. The apples stayed crisp and yummy. I can’t wait to try them in a pie. That was the only highlight of the evening.

I went to bed.

I turned up my heating blanket, as it has been cold, and one of the blankets I normally have needs to be washed, therefore it’s a tad chillier than normal.

Well, I woke up to my heating blanket being completely off, and me in serious pain due to shivering.

And a cat who decided to meow incessantly from 4:45 until 5:10 when it was time to go downstairs. I honestly wanted to kill him.

As I was driving to work I realized I had forgotten my scarf at home, which attributed even more to the cold factor.

I’m at work, I’m tired, I’m cranky, I’m still cold even after a cup of tea. I’ve been here for 2 and a half hours already and I am still not warm.

Thanks to the tea I had to use the ladies room prior to when I normally do, and of course ran into the cleaning guy who ALWAYS shows up to clean the bathroom when I absolutely need to use it. And it does not matter which of the 3 bathrooms I go to. He’s always there. It’s like he has a 6th sense about me having to pee desperately.

Work has been busy, and I sit here wanting to cry. It’s just a craptastic day. Yelled at Guy for something that really I should have just kept to myself, but it had been nagging me for a while, so now I feel bad for snapping at him about it because he feels about the reason for what I had snapped at him about.

I wanted to tell a person to fuck off in Ravelry, because I had mentioned a neat idea I had and I wanted input.
Basically: Character in my novel is blind. Just due to old age, but because she had been going blind for many years, she learned how to read braille.
I had an idea that not only did she use her Minds Eye (as she’s very witchy), she also had a deck of tarot cards in Braille.

Well someone asked me why i felt she “needed” to read braille.

Ummm.. practicality?

Just for the novel’s sake, the way to make my world more believable is to have just enough “real world” in the fantastical world. That way when someone reads what I’ve written the sit there and go “yeah.. I can see that happening.”

Not to mention, if I truly was going fully blind, and I knew it. I mean not just partial vision, I would learn to read braille. And as someone who throws the tarot at least once a month, I would want a deck that I could read.

I even think I might someday actually make a deck of tarot cards in braille, I think it’s a neat idea.
But the way that person commented, after everything I’ve dealt with for the past two days, just made me want to tell them to fuck off.

I was polite and didn’t do that, but it urked me.

I want to go home.
I want to get on a plane and go to the UK. I don’t want to be in this damn country anymore, I don’t want to be in this job anymore, and I want to have something go right for once.