This blog is mostly going to be my little place to talk about the novel I am writing. Which is why I stole a quote from one of my favorite tv shows, as this novel I am writing, I plan to finish, and at times.. it feels like an impossible thing. Also this is to journal my move to the UK, and starting my own business as an Indie Yarn Dyer

Posts tagged “Jem

Happy Nutella Day!

I didn’t blog yesterday. Sorry.

To sum yesterday up:

Woke up, felt better.

Had to drive Mum to Denver. We discussed the wedding on the drive up. Worked out some ideas for things on it.  Even remembered to write those idea down. Look at us go.

She made me go to the Sew Expo. We ran into Katte, it was fun running into her. The expo it’s self was… Interesting. I wouldn’t say great, but I did learn something new and it did inspire me for something that I’ll most likely never finish. Also learned another technique, though truthfully I learned it from Katte and not the demonstrator, but ironically both things that I learned were from the same booth. There was a strong Pacific Northewst feel to a lot of the quilts and fiber creations. I really liked it. Was almost tempted to buy a pattern or two, and there was some neat northwest fishies that caught my eye. Other than that, not much happening.

Dropped Mum in Lakewood at her friend Shelia’s house. (Which meant I didn’t have to drive all the way up to Broomfield)

Drove home, happened to have my Zen with me in the car, which was nice. Though when I turned it on I realize my battery was almost dead. Oh no! Shockingly my music lasted the entire car ride home.  Yeah, I forgot how good it felt to scream sing Jem,  Amanda Palmer,  and Doctor Who songs.

And yes, those three work together at least at first. Jem has a few songs that always make me giggle when I imagine it being sung from the Companion’s perspective. The first song on Who Killed Amanda Palmer is Astronaut, which is very appropriate. And then of course the Doctor Who songs just rocketh.

I was feeling just fine, so I decided to have some dinner and the last of my homemade strawberry Ice Cream as I had been craving it. Ooooh Boy that was a mistake. But I won’t go into details on that one.

Today I didn’t get to go to the gym, as I was still quite ill this morning. Bummer, I was not happy about that… It’s weird that I’m actually enjoying going to the gym.

I’ve pretty much been hold up on the couch being much more miserable than I normally am, I did have my book next to me, and my current novel that I’m working on, but I haven’t cracked either of those open yet. Instead I ended up fixing issues with my Zen library. (There were some albums that were showing up as Unknown instead of their actual name) Also transfered some music that I had been meaning to put on there. Now that I’ve got my new headphones (which rock) I need the tunes so I can rock out at the gym properly.

Today is World Nutella Day. I wish I was feeling better, and I also wish I had some Nutella in the house. For a good blog about Nutella, go over here to Sticky Gooey Creamy Chewy.

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be feeling better and I’ll be able to do some dyeing.

Tonight, it’ll be yarn untangling and seeing if I’m happy with the finished product of that yarn.  If I’m happy with it, it’ll get shipped off to England.  If I’m not happy with it, I’ll be reattempting it tomorrow.

I guess that’s all I’ve got to say for now.  Of to eat some custard and watch Dark Knight.