This blog is mostly going to be my little place to talk about the novel I am writing. Which is why I stole a quote from one of my favorite tv shows, as this novel I am writing, I plan to finish, and at times.. it feels like an impossible thing. Also this is to journal my move to the UK, and starting my own business as an Indie Yarn Dyer

Posts tagged “Blitz

A cover that shall never be… (most likely)

I feel as though I’ve gotten nothing done.

Which is entirely not true.

Up and at the gym in the time I’d like.

The strangest thing happened to me today. I was on the elliptical machine up to 5 minutes, and I realized I was in my final minute. I looked up and the next time I looked down, I was in the post workout 5 minute cool down and wondered why my timer had reset it’s self. I then realized I was in the cool down (which I never do, as when you are only doing 4.5 minutes, it’s stupid to do another 5 minutes). I had done 6 minutes! I hadn’t even realized it. This shocked me a bit.

After gym and aqua class, I scooted home. I had invited Jes over to help me eat the crab and artichoke.

Had a good lunch with her. There was much laughing. I miss laughing with friends. I’m also slightly sad that when/if I come back to Colorado after the move, she will not be here.  Instead she will be on the West Coast in the Seattle area.

Unloaded and loaded the dishwasher.

Then quickly ran out to do some errands. Post office, library, gas station.

The library was not fun.

Some idiot decided that even though I was backing out, he was going to back out of the spot immediately across from me. I stop as soon as I see him (And yes, I was there first) I honk, a woman witnessing this in her car honks, the man… remains oblivious.  As quickly as I can I put my car into drive to go back into the parking spot I had just (only have way) vacated.  I can’t imagine what would have happened if I had not done this, as the woman who was witnessing this says that the man actually hit me.  I did not feel it, so I don’t know if that’s true (my car is slightly a tank), but if it is true then my god he would have really hit me if I hadn’t been in the process of moving in the opposite direction.  Now, he also nearly hit the woman who witnessed’s car as he decided that there was enough room for him to zoom past her. (Which, really… there wasn’t that much room.)

I’m fine obviously as I didn’t feel the tap if there was one, and of course my back hurts, but it always hurts, and I had a pretty major workout week when it comes down to it. The problem with chronic back pain is that you never know if the reason your back hurts is because of something specific, or just the normal pain you deal with every day.

I guess the reason I feel like I’ve got nothing done this afternoon, is that I spent he majority of it tinkering in Pixlr.

I’ve kind of got an idea for a cover of my novella. Yes, I said novella. Which most likely won’t get it’s own cover.  And no… it still doesn’t have a name yet.

But if I don’t post my tinkering, I really will feel like the afternoon has been a waste.

All I can say is damn I really want a computer with Adobe Photoshop on it again, and also a computer that can handle running photoshop.

This image was a very rough image, but like I said, it’s mostly just to give myself an idea of what I would want for the cover. (The cover that most likely won’t ever happen since it’s a novella)

So, even though it’s a rough image… I’d love feedback.

Would this cover draw you in whilst in the bookshop?

Well, I’ve realized I’ve not had dinner, and I’m watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics (which… I must be pmsing, as I keep getting overly sentimental and emotional over things while watching it).

Well, Donald Sutherland’s soothing voice just came on the telly, and I’m going to possibly knit a few rows and just spend the rest of the evening relaxing. (even though it’s already past my bed time now)

I am not taking place in the Ravelympics, nor The Yarn Harlot’s Knitolympics or whatever she calls it. No, I am just knitting for me, and shall work on my Doomsday. No new projects till it’s done, and I’m sticking to that.

Oh, and these Opening Ceremonies are frakking AWESOME.

“Here we come on the run, coal fires burning”

“Here we come ,on the run, our coal fires burning.

Here we come, fife and drum, under the radar we crept on!”

I spent the morning rocking out to Abney Park. I finally got the chance to listen to their new album Aether Shanties. Which, totally rocks.  It was a funny picture today of me in my kitchen, making custard dancing and grooving.  Even more funny if someone had seen me, as I was listening on my mp3 player and thus I was the only one who could hear it.

What can I say… when I hear good music, I get the urge to move to it. Especially if I’m slaving over the stove for at 15 minutes of nothing but continuous stirring.  (Yes, I rock out while dyeing as well)

Once the dyeing was done, I realized it was quite chilly in the house. I opened the front door and when “holy crap… it’s snowing.”  I had no idea that snow was even in the forecast. But it’s my own fault. When I switched over from Firefox to Chrome, I lost my little toolbar that told me the weather, and I haven’t had a “real” television channel on in 3 days.

And on that note… Superbowl day? Really?

Who knew.  No… really I did know… I’ve just chosen to ignore it.  But I couldn’t for the life of me tell you who was playing etc.   Sometimes ignorance is bliss.  Sometimes it leaves you cold and wondering how many inches we are gonna get.

Today has been a Stargate Atlantis marathon and dyeing.

Yesterday I did the bulk of the dyeing.  Today was tweaking and fixing some things.  I dyed a skein of Bellatrix on silk sock, and a new one. One I have been meaning to do for over 6 months now. Coraline Duvall from Moonlight.  I also dyed a skein of Romp in the Heather for a customer. I’m proud to know that I was able to recreate it.

Hopefully tomorrow they will be dry enough so that I can take photos. Also hopefully the sun will be out enough to take those photos.

My original plan for Monday was to get up super early and be at the gym at 7. Yup, not getting out of bed at 7, but be at the gym.

The snow on the car will most likely prevent this.  But I’ll still drag my butt out of bed early enough to attempt it.  I would really like to make up for not going to the gym on Friday.  After class tomorrow shall be running errands.

The good thing about rocking out to Abney Park this morning, meant I got inspired for writing.

The bad news, is it’s not getting me inspired to finish the novella. I need to find some nice WW2 music for that. If anyone has any suggestions, I’m more than willing to give it a listen.